Saturday, May 21, 2016

Cattle egret (white heron) comes to visit

I saw this white bird as it was watching our horse and it appeared interested in watching until I came out and took a few images before it flew away.  Our veterinarian was giving our animals their shots that morning and I asked him about this bird.  He said it was a cattle egret and that they are originally from Africa, migrated to South America and then North America.  He said they are plentiful in Wichita, Kansas.  I did a google search and discovered that they like to sit on cattle and eat the insects off of them.  Below are a few images that I captured of the cattle egret's short visit to our ranch.  Enjoy!


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Pooker Poo is her name!

We named our baby donkey Pooker Poo, which is the nickname of our youngest daughter, Trisha.  Pooker Poo looks like she will favor her mother as her spots are visible on her body, unlike Emmy Lou who was all white after birth.  I've included images when Pooker Poo was 2 and 3 days old ending with an image of our handsome horse, Ace!